The Uni mit Kind campus office is located at Nürnberger Ei, near the Südvorstadt (line 8) stop.
Campusbüro Uni mit Kind
Nürnberger Straße 31 A
01187 Dresden
Important note: The campus office and its services are open to students from all Dresden universities!
You can find us using the TU Dresden’s Campus Navigator, TU Dresden’s Campus Navigator OpenStreetMap or by searching Google.
Arrival by public transport
Check the website of the Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe to find the right bus or train connection. If you enter the address of the Campusbüro as your destination, the city map section will also show the walking distance from your stop to our front door.
These public transit lines will take you almost right to our doorstep:
- Tram line 8 to the "Südvorstadt" stop, or line 3 to the "Nürnberger Platz" stop
- Bus line 61 to the “Bernhardstraße” stop
If you can’t find the way, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We can talk you through the last few meters.